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The local Consultants for your area is:

{{Representative.Distance}} {{ShopContext.RepProfileSettings.DeliveryRadiusUnit}}

{{Representative.OverallRatings.OverallRating}}/5 from {{Representative.RatingCount}} ratings


Delivery timescales


{{Representative.OverallRatings.OverallRating}}/5 from {{Representative.RatingCount}} ratings

{{Representative.Message}} {{ShopContext.RepProfileSettings.AboutMeDefaultContent}}
{{Representative.Message}} {{ShopContext.RepProfileSettings.AboutMeDefaultContent}}
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Other Consultants in your area:

{{Representative.Distance}} {{ShopContext.RepProfileSettings.DeliveryRadiusUnit}}

{{Representative.OverallRatings.OverallRating}}/5 from {{Representative.RatingCount}} ratings


Delivery timescales


{{Representative.OverallRatings.OverallRating}}/5 from {{Representative.RatingCount}} ratings

{{Representative.Message}} {{ShopContext.RepProfileSettings.AboutMeDefaultContent}}
{{Representative.Message}} {{ShopContext.RepProfileSettings.AboutMeDefaultContent}}
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This field is required. Please provide a valid first name. You can only enter a value 500 characters or less
This field is required. You can only enter a value 500 characters or less
{{::rep.DeliveryDescription}} {{rep.DeliveryDate}}

Shopping with your local Justine Consultant is easy!

  • Ask them to put a brochure through your door
  • Shop from their personal online brochure
  • Download the Justine Mobile App for FREE

Unfortunately don't have a consultant in your area yet!

If you know a Consultant outside your area you can always buy with her if she is willing to deliver to you
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We don't have a consultant that matches your searched contact detail

Please check the details are correct and try again or try searching using their name, email address or contact number in this format +27821234567
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We don't have a consultant named'{{ FullNameToShowInSearchResult }}'

Please check check your spelling and try again or try searching using their email address or contact number in this format +27821234567
search for another consultant in your area.

We do not recognise that location - please can you check and try again

We have found more than one location for your search

Please select the appropriate location or enter a more detailed address:
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This field is required. Please provide a valid first name. You can only enter a value 500 characters or less
This field is required. You can only enter a value 500 characters or less

This consultant cannot be contacted at this time as they have not provided an email address.

Contact {{Representative.FirstName}}

Send {{Representative.FirstName}} a message

Send {{Session.Representative.FirstName}} a message

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Please enter a correct phone number.
This field is required. {{BannedWordsErrorMessage}}
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We have sent your message to {{Representative.FirstName}} {{Session.Representative.FirstName}}

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Contact {{Representative.FirstName}} directly






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