Published: 2019/07/14
Feed your skin
We’ve all heard about how the wellness community not only inspects the ingredients in food and medicine, but now also in beauty products and cosmetics.

We’ve all heard about how the wellness community not only inspects the ingredients in food and medicine, but now also in beauty products and cosmetics. The term superfood is on the lips of all beauty houses, as they strive to adapt to a greener approach to the ingredients they put in their products. Now, while browsing through the farmer’s market aisle, I can’t help but think how the deliciously ripe and plump avocados make up the body creams you’ll find in a Dis-Chem aisle. If it’s good enough to put on your skin, it should be good enough to eat, right?
"Food is no longer a supporting player in the world of cosmetics. It's pushed its way into a starring role,” writes Hillary Bonhomme for the New Food Economy, a website devoted to the culture and politics of food.
I was lucky enough to grow up on a beautiful farm in Limpopo where the food was fresher and the air cleaner, but, alas the skincare aisle very limited. Enter the big city, and I’ve fast become a fan of all things glossy and shiny, which aren’t always the best quality.
I often broke out in rashes caused by foundation that had a paint thinner smell to it, or a night cream that promised glowing skin by the morning, but instead delivered a cluster of angry little red pimples when I woke up –which I’m sure didn’t appear on their own.
As I grew older, I became aware of what I was putting onto my skin and into my body. I liked knowing that I was buying fresh and sustainably-produced fruit and vegetables. The quality of the products I was now buying outweighed those of the bargain-basement aisle I used to frequent and for that, I was willing to spend more money.
Enter my love affair with Justine. After browsing through one of their monthly brochures, I became obsessed with their key call-out of natural ingredients. Here was a local, affordable brand using almond oil, vitamin A and E, fruit stem cells and also a list of superfood ingredients I had not even heard of.
This was an immediate game changer for me so I set out to order a variety of Justine skincare products to test drive, and here is my synopsis:

I started by going onto, created my account and started adding all sorts of goodies to my basket. The first on my list was the new Body Balance Hydro Body Butter. My skin is terribly dry in winter, almost to the level that it physically cracks and looks ghastly. This Body Butter had quite a few superfood ingredients that were brand new to me. Cactus Flower Extract, surely that’s only found in the desert!
Well, this special ingredient is known to prevent moisture loss from the skin’s surface, ensuring what you’re putting onto your skin stays locked in. Vitamin E, sweet almond oil and wheat germ oil were also called out as key ingredients. Each known to be super moisturising and keep that moisture in for up to 24 hours.
Another product which caught my eye was the new Body Balance Protect Body Scrub which is packed with walnut shell powder and Superfruit Complex – the holy grail for getting rid of dry, rough and tough skin inflicted by winter. Next into my basket was the Body Balance Body Wash, Lotion and Hand Cream.

One thing I love about Justine’s Body Balance range is that the superfood properties are dominant in the entire ingredient pot. Ivory seed powder is another natural component added to gently exfoliate the skin and leave it feeling renewed and rejuvenated. Justine’s unique Superfruit Complex is packed with antioxidants, which we all know keep our skin protected from the harsh environmental elements and living in Joburg, I definitely need that.
I checked out my basket through my nearest Justine Consultant which was linked to my profile (they choose the one closest to your marked location) and a couple of days later, I received a large box filled with all my purchases.
I immediately took a long, relaxing shower using the body wash, ending off with the body scrub. The smell of both products was so soothing and natural, and the scrub lifted off all the colour from my old fake tan without any harsh scrubbing. My skin felt fresh, cleansed and smooth.
I then applied the body butter and oh boy, this is one beautifully rich butter that’s easy to apply. It smelt like I had just entered into the freshest flower shop – earthy yet so soothing.
My true test for any body lotion or butter is how it soaks into my skin and whether or not it gives me a cracking, itchy and dry feeling later. My skin felt so moisturised throughout the night and I woke up with skin that was plump and hydrated with absolutely no irritation.
So, all in all I’ve not only found a superior local skincare brand I can trust, I’ve also found a brand that believes in the goodness of nature to supply incredible results. I will forever be a Justine fan.